generic and default method that returns object@linfct
that prevented some terms from
being tested in nested models. Alas, this is still not perfect..all.
in the specs
argument of
-- e.g., emmeans(mod, ".all.")
, emmeans(mod, pairwise ~ .all. | drug)
This creates a list of all sets of means (and contrasts), thus creating
an emm_list
object. This also works in emtrends()
and B
, the
reference grid comprises combinations of A
, B
, actual_A
, and actual_B
the latter two used to track the original settings of A
and B
in the dataset.
We always average over combinations of these factors. The previous code was
a memory hog, and we have made it much more efficient for large datasets.emmeans()
has also been revised to do special handling of counterfactual
reference grids. Whenever we average over a counterfactual B
, we only
use the cases where B == actual_B
, thus obtaining the same results as
would be obtained when B
is not regarded as a counterfactual.regrid()
to create @post.beta
slot correctly when there are
non-estimable cases.subset.emmGrid()
so that it calls show()
unless export = TRUE
This change was made because I noticed that pkgdown uses print()
than show()
to display example results.add_submodels()
function that allows for comparison od estimates
from different submodels (when supported)
. Also, a questionable example was deleted.
It is so easy to misuse this function, and I don't even buy into the idea
of standardized effect sizes except in the simplest of cases. So I am
considering deprecating eff_size()
and letting some other package
be to blame for unsuitable or misleading results.weights
bug in lme()
and glmgee
levels (#500). This
was previously not allowed, and we added an ""
(defaults to TRUE
) just in case we broke anything that used to work.qdrg()
function for multivariate response transformations
such as a compositional response.mice::mira
support to use Barnard-Rubin adjusted d.f. (#494)
support code (#495)This update is focused mostly on trying to clear up confusion with some users
on the distinction between emmGrid
objects and their summaries, since they
display identically; and on encouraging users not to bypass important
method for summary_emm
objects (#480).
Note that summary_emm
objects already have estimates, P-values, etc.
computed, so rbind
ing them preserves those results. On the other hand,
ing emmGrid
or emm_list
objects produce new emmGrid
which have not yet been summarized and any adjust
methods are applied
to the whole result.gls
or lme
models, mode = "satterthwaite"
and mode = "appx-satterthwaite"
failed when model was fitted with no
explicit data
argument (#465)
functions, just to make it easier to
see and use themwtcon.emmc(levs, wts, cmtype, ...)
generates contrasts via multcomp::contrMat(wts, type = cmtype, ...)
gains a new argument wts
which can be passed to some
functions including eff.emmc
, del.eff.emmc
, and wtcon.emmc
If wts
is left missing, we pass equal weights of . If we specify
wts = NA, we retrieve weights from the object (potentially different in each
bygroup). Otherwise, the same fixed
wts` are used in each group.weights()
method for emmGrid
to play along if contrast()
changes the
variable via options
factors to be included in
the reference grid for survival models. It is up to the user to decide
what is sensible. (#429, #473)tau
argument (now optional) for rq models (#458)
even when apparently valid (#458)cross.adjust
to legal arguments that can be passed via misc
in glmgee
support (#460)xtable()
method for summary_emm
argument to make.tran()
to allow for compound transform;
e.g., make.tran("inverse", inner = "sqrt")
is reciprocal sqrt (#462)MuMIn
support with subset
argument (#455)glmtoolbox::glmgee
support (#454)qdrg()
modified such that we often don't need to specify data
is specified.rq
, rqs
now incorporates all tau
values in the model
as a pseudofactor (#458). The tau
argument itself is deprecated and ignored
if specified.make.meanint()
and make.symmint()
that return functions
that compute symmetric intervals. The old meanint()
and symmint()
that return symmetric intervals of width 2
are retained for back-compatibility
support so it works with a model where the
response is a matrix of counts (#439)MuMIn
support (#442)qdrg()
has replaced its ordinal.dim
argument with ordinal
, a list with
elements dim
and mode
-- which now fully supports all the modes available
for ordinal models (#444). (ordinal.dim
still works for backward compatibility.)emtrends
support with certain predictor function calls (#449)contrast
when tran
is a list
terms in survival models (#429)at
where we didn't always get V
now only returns elements where object@misc$display == TRUE
We also label the dimensions and provide a sep
argument for creating labels.Correction to a bug introduced in version 1.8.4, where we tried to provide for
an offset
argument in the same way as an offset()
term in the model formula.
Unfortunately, that change also caused
wrong estimates to be computed when the offset involves a nonlinear function such as
, and made for whopping inconsistencies in the narrative about offsets
in the "sophisticated"
vignette; I apologize for these embarrassing errors.
We now provide for both kinds of offset specifications, but in different ways
as explained in a new section in the "xplanations"
The "subtle difference" mentioned
in the NEWS for 1.8.4 no longer applies.
. If object
is specified, default for df
is df.residual(object)
rather than object$df.residual
, since df.residual()
is a standard
now uses get_emm_option("sep")
in labeling factor combinations (#425).emm_basis.averaging
to take care of quirks in these
models (#402, #409)
argument to cld.emmGrid()
for compatibility with
and others.emtrends()
when data
is specified (semTools issue 119)
... and related tune-up to ref_grid()
to avoid issues with repeat calls (#413)emm_list
methods to make them more user-friendly (#417)pwts
argument to
, needed because
prior weights did not always come through. This provides a reliable way
of passing prior weights in a recover_data()
behavior. It has been made more forceful in
preserving annotations (i.e., summary_emm
behavior) so that users don't
blind themselves to potentially important information. Also, some users
seem to force display of the data frame in order to see more digits; so we
now are taking a compromise approach: showing more digits but still as a
object with annotations also displayed.Chisq
value to results of test(..., joint = TRUE)
and joint_tests()
when df2
is infinite (per request in #400)basics
vignette has undergone a major revision that I hope helps
more in getting users oriented. It starts by discussing the fact that
EMMs' underpinnings are more in experiments than observational data, and
emphasizes more the process of first getting a good model.confidence-intervals
vignette has been updated to reflect the same
example with pigs
as is used in basics
value in the @misc
slot. For any models that are not in the "gaussian"
family, sigma
is initialized to NA
and this has some implications:
value; however, for generalized linear models
the value of sigma(model)
*is often inappropriate for bias adjustment,
and in fact anyway. you should not do that, and for mixed models,
you should calculate sigma
based on the random effects. See the vignette
on transformations.predict(..., interval = "prediction")
will refuse to work, with no option to override. Same with specifying PIs = TRUE
in plot()
or emmip()
. The calculations done for prediction intervals
are only valid for Gaussian models. You may do predictions for non-Gaussian models
via simulating a posterior predictive distribution with Bayesian approach;
see an illustration in the "sophisticated" vignette.sigma
value associated with them, resulting in
incorrect PIs and incorrect bias adjustments.
I have not figured out how I might help prevent that, but it probably will involve
making tedious modifications to these models' emm_basis
methods. Maybe some future
improvements to be made.averaging
objects (#402)mira
objects when data
is required (#406)scale()
response transformation when either center
or scale
. I also added support for center()
and standardize()
the datawizard package as response transformations, though these are
mapped to scale()
Citation correction (#391)
Removed a message about contrasting transformed objects that even confuses me! (I added a topic in the FAQs vignette instead)
Added new exported function inverse
available as a response transformation
I have quietly deprecated the previous I_bet()
function, because it
produced a message that was confusing to inexperienced users. Instead, we
have tweaked some functions/methods so they seem to work the same way
with an emm_list
object (using its first element) as an emmGrid
We have removed the functions convert_workspace()
and convert_scripts()
that were intended to clean up existing code and objects for the ancient
version of lsmeans. We also completely removed several old functions
from the codebase. Previously, we just ignored them.
More reliable dispatching of recover_data()
and emm_basis()
methods (#392)
New permute_levels()
function to change the order of levels of a factor (#393)
This may alter results of existing code for models involving offsets:
A user discovered an issue whereby offsets specified in an offset()
term are accounted for, but those specified in an offset = ...
are ignored. We have revised the recover_data()
and ref_grid()
code so
that offsets specified either way (or even both) are treated the same way
(which is to include them in predictions unless overridden by
an offset
argument in emmeans()
or ref_grid()
This change creates a subtle difference in cases where you want offsets to
depend on other predictors: In a model with formula y ~ trt + offset(off)
if you used to specify cov.reduce = off ~ trt
, now you need cov.reduce = .offset. ~ trt
. The latter will work the same with the model y ~ trt, offset = off
Recoded some portions of the support functions for zeroinfl
and hurdle
objects. We now use numerical differentiation to do the delta method,
and this comes out a lot cleaner.
Per the improved count-model support, we are now exporting and have documented
two new functions
that may be useful in
providing comparable support in other packages that offer zero-inflated
Efficiency improvements: Several places in the code where we multiply
a matrix by a diagonal matrix, we replace this by equivalent code using
the sweep()
Over time, too many users have latched on to the idea that
emmeans(model, pairwise ~ treatment(s))
as the recipe for using emmeans()
It works okay when you have just one factor, but
when you have three factors, say, pairwise ~ fac1*fac2*fac3
gives you
every possible comparison among cell means; often, this creates an
intractable amount of output (e.g., 378 comparisons in a 3x3x3 case) -- most
of which are diagonal comparisons.
So now, if a user is in interactive mode, specifies contrasts in a direct
call (i.e., sys.parent() == 0
), there is more than one
primary factor (not including by
factors), and there are more than 21
contrasts as a result (e.g. more than 7 levels compared pairwise), we issue
an advisory warning message: "You may have generated more contrasts than you
really wanted...". Because of the restrictions on when this warning is
issued, it should not affect reverse-dependent package checks at all.
(#287, revisited)
calculation in ordinal models (#387)addl.vars
argument allows including variables (say, for
random slopes) in the reference grid.xtable
methods are now
dynamically registered. This reduces the number of package dependencies
from 8 to 7 (as of this version)."atanh"
to the options in make.tran()
and to the
"named" response transformations that are auto-detectedmake.tran()
replaces param
argument with alpha
and beta
is still supported for backward compatibility)
and documentation has been revised in hopes of making everything clearercld()
so it can show findings rather than non-findings,
in two different ways: Using delta
, groupings are based on actual
tests of equivalence with threshold delta
; or setting signif.sets = TRUE
means that have the same letter are significantly different.
We also added a vignette on "Re-engineering CLDs".
so that we can specify color
, and symbol
are all associated with groupings; and addition of
an example to produce a black-and-white plot. Note: While the default appearance
of plots is unchanged, plots from your existing code may be altered if
you have used linearg
, dotarg
, etc.vcov.
to be coercible to a matrix, or a function that yields
a result coercible to a matrix (#383)"appx-satterthwaite"
method (#384)counterfactuals
argument to ref_grid()
, setting up a reference
grid consisting of the stated factors and a constructed factor,
We then (by default) average this grid over the covariate distribution.
This facilitates G-computation under the exchangeability assumption for
introduced in #359 and reported in #364
so it preserves annotations like
support to accommodate fancier smoothers
and more accurately detect random terms (#365, #366, #369)summary()
from inside a function (#367)delta
argument to hpd.summary()
, thus allowing a way to
assess equivalence with Bayesian estimates (#370)stanreg
estimability code when subset
was used in model.emmip()
and plot.emmGrid()
now do appropriate things if point.est
or frequentist
appear among the ...
arguments, when we have Bayesian
models (note also, frequentist
was removed from the visible arguments for
plotted intervals regardless of CIs
this has been correctedhead()
and tail()
methods for emmGrid
, we changed the default to as.df = FALSE
so that
annotations are still visible by default. This also preserves annotations
in head()
and tail()
for summariesemm_example()
function used to tidy-up certain help-file examples
when they are conditional on an external packagesummary()
, confint()
, test()
, and
all produce data frames with annotations intact and visible. Additional
wrapping in data.frame()
, etc. is completely unnecessary,
and if you send questions or bug reports with such code, I will regard
it as willful ignorance and will refuse to respond. See also the news for
version 1.8.0.lme
support (#356)
objects from the survey package (#350)mgcv::gam
support. Previously, random smoothers were
included. Thanks for Maarten Jung for observing this and helping to
identify them.test(..., joint = TRUE)
and joint_tests()
attribute is actually estimable(confounded)
entry in joint_tests()
is now much
better formulated and more robust.xplanations
vignetteestimability (>= 1.4.1)
due to
a bug in version 1.4joint_tests()
, we changed the default from cov.reduce = range
to cov.reduce = meanint
, where meanint(x)
returns mean(x) + c(-1, 1)
This centers the covariate values around their means, rather than their
midranges, and is more in line with the default of
ref_grid(..., cov.reduce = mean)
. However, this change in default
will change the results of joint_tests()
from past experiences with
models having covariates that interact with factors or other covariates.
We also added a section on covariates to the help for joint_tests()
and added another function symmint()
for use in cov.reduce
now puts by
groups in correct order rather
than in order of
method has a new argument destroy.annotations
, which
defaults to FALSE
-- in which case it returns a summary_emm
(which inherits from data.frame
). I see that many users routinely wrap
their results in
because they want to access displayed results
in later steps. But in doing so they have missed potentially useful
annotations. Users who have used
to see results with
lots of digits should instead use emm_options(opt.digits = FALSE)
.>= 4.1.0
, allowing freedom to use the forward pipe
operator |>
and other features.trend
argument in emmeans()
which has long since been deprecated. We removed wrappers that implement
, pmtrends()
, etc. -- which I believe nobody ever used.emm_list
and added more complete documentation. We also added hidden
support to several functions like
, emmip()
, and emmeans()
These changes, we hope, help in situations where users create
objects like emm <- emmeans(model, pairwise ~ treatment)
but are
not experienced or attuned to the distinction between emmGrid
objects. The mechanism for this is to provide a
default of \code{I_bet(1)} for which element of the emm_list
use. A message is shown that specifies which element was selected
and encourages the user to specify it explicitly in the future
via either [[ ]]
or a which
argument; for example, plot(emm[[1]])
or plot(emm, which = 1)
and test(..., joint = TRUE)
now has
an "est.fcns"
attribute, which is a list of the linear functions associated
with the joint test(s).joint_tests()
results now possibly include a (confounded)
entry for
effects not purely explained by a model term.fcross.adjust
argument in summary.emmGrid()
allows for additional
P-value adjustment across by
support no longer requires data
(#355) so
the documentation was updated.enhance.levels
to contrast()
that allows
better labeling of the levels being contrasted. For example, now
(by default) if a factor treat
has numeric levels, then comparisons
will have levels like treat1 - treat2
rather than 1 - 2
. We can
request similar behavior with non-numeric levels, but only if we
specify which factors.
and split_fac()
for manipulating
the factors in an emmGrid
to eff.emmc
and del.eff.emmc
, which
allows for weighted versions of effect-style contrasts (#346)qdrg()
more robust in accommodating various manifestations
of rank-deficient models.qdrg()
now always uses df
if provided. Previously forced df = Inf
when a link function was provided.df.error
calculation with gls
(#347)ref_grid(..., transform = ...)
now should
be ref_grid(..., regrid = ...)
to avoid confusing transform
with the tran
option (which kind of does the opposite). If we match
and don't match tran
, it will still work, but a
message is displayed with advice to use regrid
support (#324).
Previous versions were potentially dead wrong except for models
created by lm()
(and maybe some of those were bad too)which
argument to emm()
to select which list elements
to pass to multcomp::glht()
models (note that nlme
allows such models with gls
, but not lme
/ lqmm
support (#340)averaging
support (#319)
by = NULL
(this bug was a subtle byproduct of the name-checking in #305)
Note this fixes visible errors in the vignettes for ver 1.7.1-1gamlss
support (#323)withAutoprint()
to documentation examples with require()
clauses, so we see interactive-style resultssummary.emmGrid
so that if we have both a response
transformation and a link function, then both transformations
are followed through with type = "response"
. Previously, I took
the lazy way out and used
summary(regrid(object, transform = "unlink"), type = "response")
(see #325)force_regular()
which caused an unintended warning (#326)emtrends()
variable names (#305). Related to this are:
now forces all names to be syntactically
, we changed the optional
to check.names
(defaulting to TRUE
), and it actually has an effect.
So by default, the result will have syntactically valid names; this is
a change, but only because optional
did not work right (because
it is an argument for `
from emmeans()
support (#313, #314, thanks to Fernando Miguez)glm
support so that df.residual
is used when the
family is gaussian or gamma. Thus, e.g., we match lm
when the model is fitted with a Gaussian family. Previously we ignored
the d.f. for all glm
option (and argument for ref_grid()
) to limit the number
of rows in the reference grid (#282, #292). This change could affect
existing code that used to work -- but only in fairly extreme situations.
Some users report extreme performance issues that can be traced to the size
of the reference grid being in the billions, causing memory to be paged,
etc. So providing this limit really is necessary. The default is 10,000
rows. I hope that most existing users don't bump up against that too often.
The nuisance
(or non.nuisance
) argument in ref_grid()
(see below) can
help work around this limit.
option in ref_grid()
, by which we can specify names of
factors to exclude from the reference grid (accommodating them by averaging)
(#282, #292). These must be factors that don't interact with anything, even
other nuisance factors. This provides a remedy for excessive grid sizes.qdrg()
now object$contrasts
when object
is specifiedordinal.dim
argument to support ordinal modelsforce_regular()
function adds invisible rows to an irregular emmGrid
to make it regular (i.e., covers all factor combinations)regrid()
with nested structures (#287)rbind()
which mishandled @grid$.offset.
and clmm
support to fix issues related to
rank deficiency and nested models, particularly with mode = "prob"
to be passed in emmeans()
when object
is already an emmGrid
(incidentally noticed in #287)add_grouping
with multiple reference factors (#291)ref_grid(object, vcov. = ...)
Also am providing an emm_list
method for emm_list
function (#281) and assoc vignette materialupdate.summary_emm()
so that log2
and log10
are handled just like log
. (#273) Also disabled making ratios with
as it seems ill-advised.log1p
transformationtype = "scale"
argument to plot.emmGrid()
and emmip()
. This
is the same as type = "response"
except the scale itself is transformed
(i.e., a log scale if the log transformation was used). Since the same
transformation is used, the appearance of the plot will be the same as with
type = "lp"
, but with an altered axis scale. Currently this is implemented
only with engine = "ggplot"
> 1 was specified. (#171)subset()
method for emmGrid
and mcmc.list
objects (#278, #279)test()
shows null
whenever it is nonzero on the chosen scale (#280)This version has some changes that affect all users, e.g., not saving
, so we incremented the sub-version number.
, so that the
odds-ratio transformation persists into subsequent contrast()
e.g., interaction contrasts.contrast(..., type = ...)
work correctlyp.adjust.methods
work (#267)mblogit
extended to work with mmblogit
models (#268)
(However, since, mclogit pkg incorporates its own interface)export
option in print.emmGrid()
and print.emm_summary()
emm_options(save.ref_grid = FALSE)
. Years ago, it
seemed potentially useful to save the last reference grid, but this is
extra overhead, and writes in the user's global environment.
The option remains if you want
(because we lose
potentially important annotations), and information/example on how to
see more digits (which I guess is why I'm seeing users do this).y ~ A:B
A %in% B
and B %in% A
, and hence A %in% A*B
and B %in% A*B
due to a change in 1.4.6. Now we omit cases where factors are nested in themselves!cov.reduce
formulas to allow use of custom models for
predicting mediating covariatesmultinom
"correction" in version 1.5.4 was actually an
"incorrection." It was right before, and I made it wrong!
If analyzing multinom
models, use a version other than 1.5.4
support (#258) -- survreg()
doesn't handle missing
factor levels the same way as lm()
. This also affects results from
, AER::tobit()
dataset, and changing that
example and vignette example to have noise/10
as the response variable.
(Thanks to speech and hearing professor Stuart Rosen for pointing
out this issue in an e-mail comment.)appx-satterthwaite
mode in gls
models (#263)mode = "asymptotic"
for gls
argument to emmip_ggplot()
so user can control how
facets are labeled (#261)joint_tests()
and interaction contrasts for nested models (#266)multinom
support suggested by this SO questionrbind.emm_list()
to default for which
models (#249)svyglm
objects (#248)lqm
, lqmm
, and added support for rq
& rqs
objects (quantreg package). User may pass summary
arguments such as method
, se
, R
, ... (#250)multinom
objects (SEs were previously incorrect)
and addition of support for related mclogit::mblogit
If at all possible, users should re-run any pre-1.5.4 analyses of
multinomial modelsN.sim
argument of regrid()
. We are no longer calling this a posterior
sample because this is not really a Bayesian method, it is just a simulated
set of regression coefficients.CLD()
once and for all.
We tried in version 1.5.0, but forced to cave due to downstream problems.
method that maps to update(... levels =)
so it works with nested cases (#239)coef()
method to work with contrasts of nested models.
This makes it possible for pwpp()
to work (#239)plot()
that occurs if we use `type = "response"
but there is in fact no transformation
(reported on StackOverflow)"log10"
and "log2"
as legal transformations in regrid()
to route plot output to rendering functions
and emmip_lattice()
. These functions allow more customization
to the plot and can also be called independently.
(To do later, maybe next update: the same for plot.emmGrid()
What to name rendering functions?? -- suggestions?).emmc
functions so that parenthesization of levels
does not get in the way of ref
, exclude
, or include
arguments (#246)emtrends()
when data
is specified (#247)$model
slot in
a lm
object, as long as there are no predictor transformations. This
provides a little bit more safety in cases the data have been removed
or altered.rbind.emm_list()
to allow subsetting. (Also documentation & example)plot.emmGrid(... comparisons = TRUE)
where we determine arrow
bounds and unnecessary-arrow deletions separately in each by
See also Stack Overflow posting
with contrasts specified ignores adjust
and passes to
instead. Associated documentation improved (I hope)plot(..., comparisons = TRUE)
so that comparison arrows work correctly
with back-transformations. (Previously we used regrid()
in that case,
causing different CIs and PIs depending on comparisons
) (#230)stan_polr
and as.emmGrid()
to fully support nesting and submodels.submodel
support. Also, much more memory-efficient code therein
(#218, #219)
so user
can switch off submodel
support when unwanted or to save memory.multinom
support for N.sim
and emm_basis
so that an external package's methods are always found and given priority
whether or not they are registered (#220)gamlss
support. Smoothers are not supported but other aspects
are more reliable. See CV postingaes
argument in pwpp()
for more control over rendering (#178)plot.emmGrid()
where ordering of factor levels
could change depending on CIs
and PIs
to reflect cov.keep
(ver. 1.4.2)
gains a disable
argument to use for setting aside
any existing options. Useful for reproducible bug reporting.emmeans()
with a contr
argument or two-sided formula, we now suppress
several particular ...
arguments from being passed on to contrast()
when they should apply only to the construction of the EMMs (#214)...
arguments are passed to methodsCLD()
was deprecated in version 1.3.4. THIS IS THE LAST VERSION where it
will continue to be available. Users should use multcomp::cld()
for which an emmGrid
method will continue to exist.submodel
support (#216)ubds
dataset for testing with messy situationslqm
and lqmm
models (#213)stanreg
models (#212)stanreg
objects (#202)
to be consistent between one curve and several,
in whether points are displayed (style
option to make.tran()
throws an error (#208)linfct
(the identity) to emmobj
and "parens"
and a parens
argument in contrast()
controls how factor levels are combined when ploted or contrasted,
and parens
sets whether, what, and how labels are parenthesized
in contrast()
. In constructing contrasts of contrasts, for example,
labels like A - B - C - D
are now (A - B) - (C - D)
, by default.
To reproduce old labeling, do `emm_options(sep = ",", parens = "a^")pwpp()
so it plays nice with nonestimable cases
vignette with additional documentation on
methods used. (comparison arrows, for starters)plot()
, especially regarding comparison arrowsstanreg
models (#196)emmeans(obj, "1", by = "something")
now supports emm_list
objects with a $contrasts
component, using those contrasts. This helps those who
specify pairwise ~ treatment
for factor combinations with by
were wacky (#199)emtrends()
screwed up with multivariate models (#200).calc
to summary()
. For example,
calc = c(n = ~.wgt.)
will add a column of sample sizes to
the summary.coxph
support for models with strata
with specs
of class list
now passes any offset
and trend
arguments (#179)plim
argument to pwpp()
to allow controlling the scaleparams
objects when data are incomplete (#181)joint_tests()
and test(..., joint = TRUE)
can occur with nontrivial @dffun()
slots (#184)gls
and renamed boot-satterthwaite
to appx-satterthwaite
argument in ref_grid()
so it is same as
in regrid()
function for displaying estimates, pairwise
comparisons, and P values in matrix form.all.vars()
that addresses #170
in summary.emmGrid()
to manually specify the desired dimensionality of a Scheffe
adjustment (#171)...
to be included in options
in calls to
and contrast()
. This allows passing any summary()
argument more easily, e.g.,
emmeans(..., type = "response", bias.adjust = TRUE, infer = c(TRUE, TRUE))
(Before, we would have had to wrap this in summary()
argument to plot.emmGrid()
that works similarly to
that in emmip()
.character predictors in
at` (#175)emmeans()
associated with non-factors such as Date
option to emmip()
argument for emmip()
allows plotting on a numeric scalepwpp()
has tick marks on P-value axis (#167)regrid()
for error when estimates exceed
messes me up (thanks to Berwin Turloch, UWA, for alerting me)dqrg()
more visible in the documentation (because it's often useful)emm_list
objects, e.g. rbind()
, and as.emm_list()
option to make.tran()
(per car::bcnPower()
to hook functions (need exposed by #154)regrid()
whereby we can fake any response transformation
-- not just "log"
(again inspired by #154)merMod
objects) (#157)pwpp()
to make extremely small P values more distinguishableemtrends()
is now object
, not model
, to avoid
potential mis-matching of the latter with optional mode
now uses more robust and efficient code whereby a single
reference grid is constructed containing all needed values of var
. The old
version could fail, e.g., in cases where the reference grid involves
post-processing. (#145)scale
argument to contrast()
contrast methodeff_size()
function for Cohen effect sizescov.keep
argument in ref_grid()
for specifying covariates
to be treated just like factors (#148). A side effect is that the
system default for indicator variables as covariates is to treat
them like 2-level factors. This could change the results obtained from
some analyses using earlier versions. To replicate old analyses,
set emm_options(cov.keep = character(0))
ignored offsets with Bayesian models; emtrends()
not supply options
and misc
arguments to emm_basis()
in particular (#114)
argument in emtrends()
making it possible to
obtain higher-order trends (#133). Plus minor tuneups, e.g., smaller
default increment for difference quotientsemmeans()
more forgiving with 'byvariables; e.g.,
emmeans(model, ~ dose | treat, by = "route")will find both
byvariables whereas previously
"route"` would be ignored.emm_basis()
and recover_data()
methods are used in preference to internal ones - so package developers
can provide improvements over what I've cobbled together.recover_data()
in identifying true contrasts (#134)plot.summary_emm()
regarding CIs
and intervals
(#137)log(y + 1) ~ ...
and 2*sqrt(y + 0.5) ~ ...
are now auto-detected.
[This may cause discrepancies with examples in past usages, but if so, that
would be because the response transformation was previously incorrectly
argument to contrast()
to decide how to handle log
and logit
type = "response"
but there is no way to back-transform them (or we opted out with ratios = FALSE
to make it easier for other
packages to register their emmeans support methods
explaining that Bayesian models are handled differently (#128)PIs
option to plot.emmGrid()
and emmip()
(#131). Also, in
, the intervals
argument has been changed to CIs
for sake of consistency and less confusion; intervals
is still
supported for backaward compatibility.plot.emmGrid
gains a colors
argument so we can customize colors used.glht
support (#132 contributed by Balsz Banfai)regrid
gains sim
and N.sim
arguments whereby we can generate a
fake posterior sample from a frequentist model.gls
objects with non-matrix apVar
member (#119)
argument to ref_grid()
(defaults to
if available)interval
argument in predict.emmGrid()
argument in as.mcmc
to allow
for simulating from the posterior predictive distributionsigma
in objectcld()
and CLD()
to emm_basis
MCMCglmm, ...)
and, ...)
to prevent problems with factor names like method
that are argument names
for these functions (#94)
whereby transformations of class
were ignored.update.emmGrid(..., levels = levs)
whereby we can easily
relabel the reference grid and ensure that the grid
and roles
stay consistent. Added vignette example.emmeans()
. We now ensure that the
original order of the reference grid is preserved. Previously, the grid
was re-ordered if any numeric or character levels occurred out of order,
per order()
due to its
misleading display of pairwise-comparison tests.betareg
objects, where the wrong terms
component was
variables are present (#98).pwpp()
function to plot P values of comparisonssummary(..., adjust = "scheffe")
. We now actually
compute and use the rank of the matrix of linear functions to obtain
the F numerator d.f., rather than trying to guess the likely correct
results if they are later used by emmeans()
This was first noticed with ordinal models in prob
mode (#83).
, MuMIn::averaging
, and
support when there are 2 outcomes (#19)gls
now correct when exclude
or include
is used in
a contrast function (see #68)aovList
objects, in part
due to the popularity of afex::aov_ez()
which uses these models.emm_options(opt.digits = FALSE)
argument to most .emmc
functions (#67)ref
, exclude
, and include
functions (#68)...
arguments in emmeans()
when two-sided formulas are presentclm
support when model is rank-deficientregrid(..., transform = "log")
error when there are
existing non-estimable cases (issue #65)brmsfit
support (#43)mgcv::gam
and mgcv::gamm
now passes ...
to clientsmanova
object no longer requires data
keyword (#72)aovlist
models (#73)CLD
fatal error when sort = TRUE
objects (#75)"mvt"
adjustment ignored by
mis-labeled estimates when levels varied among by
(most prominently this happened in CLD(..., details = TRUE)
support so it re-fits the model when non-sum-to-zero
contrasts were usedprint.summary_emm()
now cleans up numeric columns with zapsmall()
in ref_grid()
and update()
and addition of covnest
argument for whether to include covariates
when auto-detecting nestinghpd.summary()
and handoff to it from summary()
ignored mult.levs
where it shouldn'tCLD()
now works for MCMC models (uses frequentist summary)opt.digits
put to final rest, and we no
longer support packages that provide
or lsm.basis
and .emm_basis()
to provide
access for extension developers to all available methodsinst/extdata
that could cause errors when response variable
has a function call with character constants.regrid()
(so results match summary()
labeling with type = "response"
).plot.emmGrid(..., comparisons = TRUE, type = "response")
produced incorrect comparison arrows; now fixeddf$y ~ df$treat + df[["cov"]]
. This had
failed previously for two obscure reasons, but now works correctly.
option for above types of modelsemm_options()
with no arguments now returns all options in force,
including the defaults. This makes it more consistent with options()
; produced incorrect results in models with offsets.update.emmGrid()
and emm_options()
function (quick and dirty reference grid) for help with
unsupported model objectscld()
has been deprecated in favor of CLD()
. This had been a
headache. multcomp is the wrong place for the generic to be;
it is too fancy a dance to export cld
with or without having
multcomp installed.xtending.Rmd
vignette on how to export methodsrevpairwise.emmc
and cld
regarding comparing only 1 EMMcld.emm_list
now returns results only for object[[ which[1] ]]
along with a warning message.emmeans
specs like cld ~ group
, a vestige of lsmeans
as it did not work correctly (and was already undocumented)Suggests
(dozens and dozens fewer dependencies)lme
models in "models" vignette.emmc
functions (#22)exclude
argument to most .emmc
functions: allows
user to omit certain levels when computing contrastshpd.summary()
function for Bayesian models to show HPD intervals
rather than frequentist summary. Note: summary()
reroutes to it. Also plot()
and emmip()
play along.nlme::lme
was interpreted
as a response transformation.cld()
is applied to an emm_list
(issue #24)offset
argument to ref_grid()
(scalar offset only) and to
(vector offset allowed) -- (issue #18)[.summary_emm
to choose whether to
retain its class or coerce to a data.frame
(relates to issue #14)reverse
option for trt.vs.ctrl
and relatives (#27)terms
is accessed with lme
objects to make
it more robust
renames output file more simply[
method for class summary_emm
argument for contrast
- essentially the complement of by
accept ylevs
list of length > 1;
also slight argument change:
-> mult.names
wherein weights
was ignored
when specs
is a list
argument, if supplied to a data.frame
doesn't like tibbles...)
method for emmGrid
objects, making it
often possible to pass it directly to other functions as a data
where by
was ignored for
interaction contrastsas.glht()
where it choked on df = Inf
or subset
function tests all [interaction] contrastsgamlss
objects (but doesn't support
smoothing). Additional argument is what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau")
It seems to be flaky when the model of interest is just ~ 1
might pass data
to contrast()
emm_options(summary = ...)
to work as
function to emm()
as had been intended
as alternative to mcp()
in multcomp::glht()
(result of ditto).cld.emm_list()
to display d.f. for asymptotic (z) tests. (NA
still work too but Inf
is a better choice for consistency and meaning.)recover_data()
now throws an error when it finds recovered data not reproduciblevcov()
calls to comply with recent R-devel changesThis is the initial major version that replaces the lsmeans package. Changes shown below are changes made to the last real release of lsmeans (version 2.27-2). lsmeans versions greater than that are transitional to that package being retired.
, emtrends()
, emmip()
, etc.
But lsmeans()
, lstrends()
, etc. as well as pmmeans()
etc. are
mapped to their corresponding emxxxx()
functions.ref.grid -> ref_grid
, lsm.options -> emm_options
, etc.ref.grid
and lsmobj
are gone.
Both are replaced by class emmGrid
. An as.emmGrid()
is provided to convert old objects to class emmGrid
.lmerMod models
. Also added options disable.lmerTest
and lmerTest.limit
, similar to those for pbkrtest.neuralgia
and pigs
methods is now top-down rather than convoluted
intermingling of S3 methods-
s in labels to /
to emphasize that thnese results are ratios.ref_grid
(Can be disabled via emm_options()
and emmip()
are now ggplot2-based.
Old lattice-based functionality is still available too,
and there is a graphics.engine
option to choose the default.Suggests
pkgs to Enhances
when not needed for
building/testingNew developments will take place in emmeans, and lsmeans will remain static and eventually will be archived.